Using the API |
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The CTexT NCHLT Web Services can be accessed via a RESTful API.
Step 1:
Generate a valid session ID using the following POST call:
When making this API call, the request header must contain the following property:
Key: Authorization Value: Basic aGVsZW4ncyBzdGludCBhcyBsZWFndWUgbWFuYWdlcg==
The response will be a JSON object containing a string array labeled token.
Example of reponse:
Step 2:
The API can then be called using a GET call and should always consist of the following information:
Where the following is required:
API parameter values:
Files can also be uploaded for processing (as long as they are smaller than 20Mb), through the curl tools or a multi-part form data, such as using curl. A valid authToken must be included in the request header. An example of this would be:
curl -F "file=@C:\Users\user\Desktop\Temp\Test.jpg" --form language=af --form core=ocr -X POST